Yattendon Winter Market
The dates for the 2025 Yattendon Winter Market are 29th and 30th November.
If your details have not changed since last time please write SAME or N/A.
3 new photographs must be emailed separately to modernmakersuk@gmail.com They need to be labelled with your name and object in the file name. Please make sure they are high res.
If you already have a profile on our website. Please check the details and images here
Things we will consider when comparing the applications:
1 - The whole purpose of MMC is promoting hand craftsmanship. We fully appreciate some of you rely on reproductions but we urge you to make your handmade items the focus of your application and your stand.
2 - This year we will be leaning on the idea that as crafts people we create new collections and experiment with new ideas and techniques all the time. Please highlight any new ideas you have for 2025 that we can use in our marketing and advertising.
3 - Good photography REALLY helps us. With exciting images that we can share online and in print to create a buzz about your work and the market.
4 - We will take into account how much you can bring to Modern Makers Collective through your promotion and support.
Contact details:
About your work:
This will help us to ensure we have an exciting range of the highest quality work for our customers at the market.
To keep the cost to our makers to a minimum we rely on everyone to contribute to promotion. We provide digital and printed information and pay for local press. This section will help us identify any areas not covered.
Other help and information:
As a collective we all chip in to with tasks to help the event run smoothly
Thank you for submitting. Your application will be considered and we will contact you as soon as possible to let you know if you were successful.